If you are feeling suicidal or are even considering suicide as an option, please STOP! Make a phone call. Reach out to a friend. Talk to someone! A great resource is the Suicide And Crisis Lifeline. They are available 24/7 and can be contacted by dialing 9-8-8.
More information is available at: http://www.988lifeline.org
If you are looking for a support meeting, here is a list of groups available in California.
The mission of the First Responder Support Network (FRSN) is to provide educational treatment programs to promote recovery from stress and critical incidents experienced by first responders and their families.
FRSN is a collaboration of first responder peers (included but not limited to police, fire, corrections, dispatch, and emergency medical services), SOS peers, culturally competent mental health clinicians, and chaplains; all of these individuals volunteer their time. We encourage you to contact us if you or someone you know is in need of assistance.
Website: http://www.frsn.org | Phone: (415) 721-9789 | Email: wcpr2001@gmail.com
The IAFF Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health Treatment and Recovery is a one-of-a-kind addiction treatment facility specializing in PTSD for IAFF members – and IAFF members only – who are struggling with addiction, PTSD other related behavioral health challenges to receive the help they need in taking the first steps toward recovery. It is a safe haven for members to talk with other members who have faced or overcome similar challenges.
For more information, visit their site at https://www.iaffrecoverycenter.com